
The Emperor's new clothes



The Emperor's New Clothes

"What is wealth?" for Americans.
Wealth is classically refined by resources and not money.
There is no money in wealth. 
The deciding factors that makes America great is the ability to produce and the ability to acquire resources for that production. Our system allows for the freedom to own and the protections that allow for private ownership. 
As corporate legal fictions (businesses that are incorporated) are now in control of so much of our country the freedom to build wealth has been come an option to fewer and fewer people.
If Mr. Trump is implying that more and more private ownership of resources apart from corporations is his vision for America than it would be hard to argue against him honestly. 
I have seen nothing of the sort from the man. 
The ways to wealth are anchored to the abilities to produce and the resources need to produce. As the corporate monsters cut the anchor of one from individuals they seek to steal the other for themselves.
The odd thing is, a legal fiction is just that, a fiction. Like the dollar it only means what someone wants it to mean, or, it just has no meaning. Sort of like the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes" where basic truth from observation is needed to see the deception. 
But it's hard to see truth while blind and deluded.
Deluded by a faith in lies and blind to our own complicity.
Believing that money is wealth is the lie. 
Blinded by that belief because of ignorance is the root of complicity.

 A Mendoza, 2016

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