

perpendicular pixels

potshots of perception

porous pits pulled past passages

prepossessing a politic

possessing pale persuasion

possibly pails of something

of a perfume pungent

horizontal horror

hyped homicide

holding honor hostage

hemorrhaging home happiness health

delusions delving deceptions
dividing depths 
done deeply

darkness defies denials

down and across

lay pixel horrors

hemorrhaging honor

persuaded by delusions

of pixels




perpendicular pixels

potshots of perception

porous pits pulled past passages

prepossessing a politic

possessing pale persuasion

possibly pails of something

of a perfume pungent

horizontal horror

hyped homicide

holding honor hostage

hemorrhaging home happiness health

delusions delving deceptions
dividing depths 
done deeply

darkness defies denials

down and across

lay pixel horrors

hemorrhaging honor

persuaded by delusions

of pixels



Quilted Stilness

Quilted Stillness

a blanket without a face

looking into fog without depth

rolling stillness beyond

the quilt never covering

a view masked

under seen

but never peering

that other side

where is the bottom

to a view masked

a blanket without a face

one sided stillness

beyond the depth

no view from above

for a view masked

between the cover

quiet perception

depth’s stillness

a view masks

a blanket without a face

A. MENDOZA, 2017 

Quilted Stilness

Quilted Stillness

a blanket without a face

looking into fog without depth

rolling stillness beyond

the quilt never covering

a view masked

under seen

but never peering

that other side

where is the bottom

to a view masked

a blanket without a face

one sided stillness

beyond the depth

no view from above

for a view masked

between the cover

quiet perception

depth’s stillness

a view masks

a blanket without a face

A. MENDOZA, 2017 




learning reality
from reality TV
a magic of light
an exposed dark
competing against
what isn't worth
competing for
on display
the beauty of ugly

a temple of light
rising for the arousal
sinking the soul
surrounding a darkness
from the comfort of a chair
next to drinks sweet
and filled snacks
of the bitter truths

stone cathedral
carved temples
where awe was inspired
now a derision
crushed by a light darkly
their silence drowned out
monuments only speak
to ears that can hear
the screaming lights never listen

screaming light
becomes dark silence
never to become witness
cathedrals and temples
silently whisper
monuments can only hear
away from the screaming light
that illuminate an arousal darkly
not listening to the sinking soul

A. MENDOZA, 2017



learning reality
from reality TV
a magic of light
an exposed dark
competing against
what isn't worth
competing for
on display
the beauty of ugly

a temple of light
rising for the arousal
sinking the soul
surrounding a darkness
from the comfort of a chair
next to drinks sweet
and filled snacks
of the bitter truths

stone cathedral
carved temples
where awe was inspired
now a derision
crushed by a light darkly
their silence drowned out
monuments only speak
to ears that can hear
the screaming lights never listen

screaming light
becomes dark silence
never to become witness
cathedrals and temples
silently whisper
monuments can only hear
away from the screaming light
that illuminate an arousal darkly
not listening to the sinking soul

A. MENDOZA, 2017

Dripping Science Sexuality

Dripping Science Sexuality

an object of one that is not one
a taken for granted enigma
a coin of the realm
minted as an objective

a subject of desire
a problematical question
that minted objective
that subject

findings of the unknown obvious
an emotion plucked from the mind
a mind plucked from within
a problem of how to question

a scientific body
also a subject of desire
that coin with two faces
that is never the same

while balancing on edge
in an anticipation
the un-faced minted object
a dripping science of desire

A. MENDOZA, 2017

Dripping Science Sexuality

Dripping Science Sexuality

an object of one that is not one
a taken for granted enigma
a coin of the realm
minted as an objective

a subject of desire
a problematical question
that minted objective
that subject

findings of the unknown obvious
an emotion plucked from the mind
a mind plucked from within
a problem of how to question

a scientific body
also a subject of desire
that coin with two faces
that is never the same

while balancing on edge
in an anticipation
the un-faced minted object
a dripping science of desire

A. MENDOZA, 2017





How can we see god
when we cannot even see ourselves
maybe with a mirror
a view from reflection
too often without one

or maybe a selfies’ distortion
after all the camera does add ten pounds
maybe that isn’t a real image
since it’s so malleable

than any truth
very subject to and of
our own abuse
with an added ten pounds
un-mirrored distortions

the image reflections
more malleable than real
we cannot even see ourselves
unless maybe in a pond
with those added ten pounds

or those pools that we can stand over
from a commanding view
a view from refection
only as large as we are
our ripples of light

unlike a camera view
it’s self powered
with a physical depth
a watery reflection that hides
where we are not

that reflection is were we are
a truth un-malleable
shining a light on a camera
hides the refections
needing no distortions

un-mirrored by it’s own pool
out of it’s depth
without distortion as an image
cannot even see ourselves
without the extra ten pounds

A. MENDOZA, 2017




How can we see god
when we cannot even see ourselves
maybe with a mirror
a view from reflection
too often without one

or maybe a selfies’ distortion
after all the camera does add ten pounds
maybe that isn’t a real image
since it’s so malleable

than any truth
very subject to and of
our own abuse
with an added ten pounds
un-mirrored distortions

the image reflections
more malleable than real
we cannot even see ourselves
unless maybe in a pond
with those added ten pounds

or those pools that we can stand over
from a commanding view
a view from refection
only as large as we are
our ripples of light

unlike a camera view
it’s self powered
with a physical depth
a watery reflection that hides
where we are not

that reflection is were we are
a truth un-malleable
shining a light on a camera
hides the refections
needing no distortions

un-mirrored by it’s own pool
out of it’s depth
without distortion as an image
cannot even see ourselves
without the extra ten pounds

A. MENDOZA, 2017