
The Hubris of the Gullible


There is an old point in economics that looks at how, by dividing parts of an economy, profit can be made. In todays information technology economy that divide is made by confusion and mis-information. 

Hiding facts by out and out lies and promoting innuendo is the new way to divide an economy and profit from that division. All over the planet that tactic has now very effectively been applied. 

The new sign that is most posted for all to see is "will lie for money, promote falsehoods for power."
Oh, and you're going to pay for it.

Because so many have such poor education there is a huge gap in really understanding what goes on around them. It is easy to lie to someone who doesn't know better. 

Our democracy depends on the common good and education was always a part of that. As education has become less valuable than profit or fame promoting falsehoods has remained easy to promote.

The protests over the last 40 years have been about combating the many falsehoods that had to be exposed. The push back has always been, "not on my watch." 

Gullibility has been the hubris of America for a very long time.
I guess truth is just too hard for most it seems.

A. Mendoza, 2016

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