Showing posts with label #politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #politics. Show all posts


Is democracy dying?

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary,” “Federalist No. 51” states.

Thoughts on a couple of well done articles, of which this is one.

The rule of law and the rule of opinion seem to always run into each other. Having a moral compass and some decency are lacking by way too many of those in positions of power and, worse, too many of us. Love and peace are often scoffed at as invalid, childish or an evidence of some type of deficiency in character.

Very Backwards.

Reducing social moray to primate rule of law is as self destructive as it sounds.

An elephant will paint if encouraged by us. A great ape will learn sign language if we teach it. Birds, dogs, even insects and plants will sing and dance to music we make.
Even the planet we live on responds to us.
There is the evidence of our divine natures.

We also can kill any living creature pretty much at will.

We have free will do good or evil, be divine of devilish, chose GOD or the evil one.

The Founding Fathers learnt much from the battles that formed the United States.
Freewill takes courage to make freedom worth it. Honor and honesty are tough, that's what makes America is hard. Maybe that's why on a dollar bill "In God We Trust" is there to remind us what is important.

A. Mendoza, 9/2018

Is democracy dying?

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary,” “Federalist No. 51” states.

Thoughts on a couple of well done articles, of which this is one.

The rule of law and the rule of opinion seem to always run into each other. Having a moral compass and some decency are lacking by way too many of those in positions of power and, worse, too many of us. Love and peace are often scoffed at as invalid, childish or an evidence of some type of deficiency in character.

Very Backwards.

Reducing social moray to primate rule of law is as self destructive as it sounds.

An elephant will paint if encouraged by us. A great ape will learn sign language if we teach it. Birds, dogs, even insects and plants will sing and dance to music we make.
Even the planet we live on responds to us.
There is the evidence of our divine natures.

We also can kill any living creature pretty much at will.

We have free will do good or evil, be divine of devilish, chose GOD or the evil one.

The Founding Fathers learnt much from the battles that formed the United States.
Freewill takes courage to make freedom worth it. Honor and honesty are tough, that's what makes America is hard. Maybe that's why on a dollar bill "In God We Trust" is there to remind us what is important.

A. Mendoza, 9/2018




the phobia of veritas
the truth in a lie
as it lies
across our fears
the stretch is not a distance
so far from the steps
the alone
of phobia fear
of what in desire
A. MENDOZA, 2017




the phobia of veritas
the truth in a lie
as it lies
across our fears
the stretch is not a distance
so far from the steps
the alone
of phobia fear
of what in desire
A. MENDOZA, 2017



Jus Diss

Disdain and Justification

"It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job." 

From some major news outlets and even from both sides of the aisle in Congress.

 This is the stuff that T has been doing for decades and everyone is so shocked?
These are the same actions T has done during the election campaigns so why the surprize? 

The whole thing has just been one big land grab - the greatest real-estate deal of all time, the only thing T has ever wanted.

 America and the Presidency mean nothing to him. Even the Russians are at his disposal for that purpose. 

I got to hand it to him, he switched from Democrat to Republican to use the system towards his own ends.

First rule in any deal, never take your eye off the ball as the endgame is the only game that matters. 

While the news, media and congress and other politicians from around the world react and comment he's acquiring the wealth and fame he's always desired. 

I just shake my head in wonder at the absurdity of the whole situation that so clearly illustrates why the rule of law and man always wins out. 

It's the most consistent and consistency always wins.

 By playing "the rules" T has masterfully shown why his disdain for pretty much everything is justified.

This isn’t cynicism, it’s applying the rules, playing the odds so that winning makes it’s appearance often enough to make the game worth playing.

And, in his defense, he didn’t write the rules or invent the game.

Welcome to the game, how do you like it?

In Judeo/Christian religious scriptures there is the part where for the sake of the 10 just destruction would be withheld.

Fortunately, there there seems to be more than 10 at this time.

A. MENDOZA, 2017 

Jus Diss

Disdain and Justification

"It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job." 

From some major news outlets and even from both sides of the aisle in Congress.

 This is the stuff that T has been doing for decades and everyone is so shocked?
These are the same actions T has done during the election campaigns so why the surprize? 

The whole thing has just been one big land grab - the greatest real-estate deal of all time, the only thing T has ever wanted.

 America and the Presidency mean nothing to him. Even the Russians are at his disposal for that purpose. 

I got to hand it to him, he switched from Democrat to Republican to use the system towards his own ends.

First rule in any deal, never take your eye off the ball as the endgame is the only game that matters. 

While the news, media and congress and other politicians from around the world react and comment he's acquiring the wealth and fame he's always desired. 

I just shake my head in wonder at the absurdity of the whole situation that so clearly illustrates why the rule of law and man always wins out. 

It's the most consistent and consistency always wins.

 By playing "the rules" T has masterfully shown why his disdain for pretty much everything is justified.

This isn’t cynicism, it’s applying the rules, playing the odds so that winning makes it’s appearance often enough to make the game worth playing.

And, in his defense, he didn’t write the rules or invent the game.

Welcome to the game, how do you like it?

In Judeo/Christian religious scriptures there is the part where for the sake of the 10 just destruction would be withheld.

Fortunately, there there seems to be more than 10 at this time.

A. MENDOZA, 2017