Showing posts with label #hatred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #hatred. Show all posts



 no escape

having a response

before something is said

welling anger

about something that hasn't happened

an anger response

from that internal thought

you didn't  know was there

it wasn't said

wasn't even there to see

but the internal response 

to the internal thought 

left an internal cut

and it's hated

conversions are not available

not even from ideas of one

no room for them

simmering resentments untouched

hidden fears and angers unresolved

leaving no escape

Al Mendoza, June 2022


Is democracy dying?

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary,” “Federalist No. 51” states.

Thoughts on a couple of well done articles, of which this is one.

The rule of law and the rule of opinion seem to always run into each other. Having a moral compass and some decency are lacking by way too many of those in positions of power and, worse, too many of us. Love and peace are often scoffed at as invalid, childish or an evidence of some type of deficiency in character.

Very Backwards.

Reducing social moray to primate rule of law is as self destructive as it sounds.

An elephant will paint if encouraged by us. A great ape will learn sign language if we teach it. Birds, dogs, even insects and plants will sing and dance to music we make.
Even the planet we live on responds to us.
There is the evidence of our divine natures.

We also can kill any living creature pretty much at will.

We have free will do good or evil, be divine of devilish, chose GOD or the evil one.

The Founding Fathers learnt much from the battles that formed the United States.
Freewill takes courage to make freedom worth it. Honor and honesty are tough, that's what makes America is hard. Maybe that's why on a dollar bill "In God We Trust" is there to remind us what is important.

A. Mendoza, 9/2018

Is democracy dying?

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary,” “Federalist No. 51” states.

Thoughts on a couple of well done articles, of which this is one.

The rule of law and the rule of opinion seem to always run into each other. Having a moral compass and some decency are lacking by way too many of those in positions of power and, worse, too many of us. Love and peace are often scoffed at as invalid, childish or an evidence of some type of deficiency in character.

Very Backwards.

Reducing social moray to primate rule of law is as self destructive as it sounds.

An elephant will paint if encouraged by us. A great ape will learn sign language if we teach it. Birds, dogs, even insects and plants will sing and dance to music we make.
Even the planet we live on responds to us.
There is the evidence of our divine natures.

We also can kill any living creature pretty much at will.

We have free will do good or evil, be divine of devilish, chose GOD or the evil one.

The Founding Fathers learnt much from the battles that formed the United States.
Freewill takes courage to make freedom worth it. Honor and honesty are tough, that's what makes America is hard. Maybe that's why on a dollar bill "In God We Trust" is there to remind us what is important.

A. Mendoza, 9/2018




to see another reflection 
more beautiful than ourselves

looking outward to what we see

recognizing that as what is part of 
who we are 

we see beauty 
recognizing that 
we are also beautiful

resisting beauty 
denies our humanity

condemning beauty 
embraces that hatred

that is why 
the first actions of hated 
to destroy beauty

that is why 
the last actions of beauty 
is to destroy hated

because even in hatred 
beauty seeks itself

to see 
a reflection 
more beautiful 

A. MENDOZA, 2017



to see another reflection 
more beautiful than ourselves

looking outward to what we see

recognizing that as what is part of 
who we are 

we see beauty 
recognizing that 
we are also beautiful

resisting beauty 
denies our humanity

condemning beauty 
embraces that hatred

that is why 
the first actions of hated 
to destroy beauty

that is why 
the last actions of beauty 
is to destroy hated

because even in hatred 
beauty seeks itself

to see 
a reflection 
more beautiful 

A. MENDOZA, 2017