


Water ocean from below

surf pounding the body, sea spray carried by wind

sand and sun and water

boats, bodies both

take in the last warm fall days

before the end of sweet summer heat

and then it will be time of brisk sea and air

hot tea and coffee and winter's wild storms

everything to the rhythm of the tides,

the never ending clock

the never failing events.

Along the black ribbon

at 9,000 kilometers

at 130 kph

Far north in the dome of clear sky,


there is a whole different rhythm as flashes excite the reflections

and the heights close on each side of the road.

An odd coincidence.

the contrivance of man, measured time.

a device locked into its' own reality

is in step with the flashing lightning

1 0 1 0 - on off - on off ...

binary has rhythm too it seems

the lightning flashes 1 0 1 0 - on off - on off

flash dark, flash dark

at 1 0 1 1

suddenly, flash dark, flash flash.

at 130 kph, at 9 k elevation all motion suddenly


there is only stillness

and for a blink, for that moment between off and on

is sight.

then an odd dissatisfaction

passing the instant

open and closed

off then on

for a blink

nothing ever has seemed to have importance

in the sight is everything

that looks like nothing

and then the wave of dissatisfaction

with nothing.

Where is the sky?

the moon is nowhere to be seen

through a now dominant cloud cover

Suddenly, the ribbon becomes a huge slide

the glimpses of left and right reveal rising escarpments

the ribbon is now a tunnel, flowing down at 130 kph.

And the walls drop away

there is a starry horizon

and a spreading open plain

then the valley itself lights up

Finally it rains.

Not water like the sea.

Not spray like the foam carried on a breeze

Not the water from below rising to pound a willing body

eager in sun and sand and surf.

Water of a whole different taste.

Water of a lighter texture, driven by wind and gravity, fired by lightening.

there is not a sun's heat, but the cold mountain night.

Standing in the frigid air, becoming covered from above, swept with water

on face and limbs and then more sudden thunder

magnificent in it's concussion

so different from that of the surf.

Water pouring ice cold is a water unlike yesterday's water rising.

A very different rhythm from this water.

Water pulled by gravity, driven by wind, one rising - one falling.

Then it is time to move on again.

Not all who wander are lost.

A. Mendoza, 2014

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