Showing posts with label #absurd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #absurd. Show all posts




there is nothing between nothingness and eternity

since nothing doesn't exist

one thing has no center

the other doesn't either

and we are not it

the center of we

the center of nothing

what is the existence of nothing?

and since the eternity of existence

has nothing

and nothing exists

where is the between 

where is the grey area

an area of a thing that has no center

that doesn't exist

the middle of no

the middle of yes

between nothingness and eternity

that doesn't exist

and still it's there

Al Mendoza, 2023


whazz dat?

 when you find what you weren't looking for

or, is it not looking for what you find
maybe not seeing since what is looked for
isn't there

maybe just suggested
vision clear to cloudy from the ground
not mattering if it's mountain or valley
the sky doesn't lie

but we do

Al Mendoza, "Mad Man Mostly Mashes Words," 2023


Fractal Physics

poetic license 
 jumping from fractured fairy tales
to fractal physics

the very flower scented and grown
from perfume bottles
a glass to see into

a sample dipped 
and never tasted

looking into it becoming
a surprize at what is seen
from midnight to midday

time flows in gravity
drip dripping 
little waves of beads 

elemental sands
an hourglass bottling
a perfumed bottle

it can be looked though
but never sampled
not even in surprize

seeing without scent
presenting the untouchable sample
of a moment lost

for all our fractured fairy tales
to a fractal physics
we must wake

A. Mendoza, July 2020


a drop in the pool

a drop in the pool

a whiteout an all colour blizzard

geometric forms unseen

passing through glass 

shaded in vapor thin sheets

and the drip drip of blood that is your soul begins to pool

do you touch it 

or does it touch you

as the colour forms emerging from the geometry

of your heart

a vapor thin sheet both circle and angle 

a water colourless

crystallizing drip by drip

a release both pain and joy

as all things are birthed

dripping vapor thin glass shading on sheets

the result of love

a birth dripped

do you touch it

or does it touch you

a geometry from the pool that is your soul

A. Mendoza, June 2020




there's an itch
in the back of my head

marbles rolling around
when I shake it 
from side to side

until the cobwebs
become a net
sewing tighter into a mesh

forming a fabric
of itchy marbles
beady glass that squints

in a darkness that rises
to the ripples forming
a shaken cobweb

the tightened net
of mesh of marbles
in a rising darkness

 no longer needing to squint
 it is so easy to simply
roll side to side

A. Mendoza, Sept 2019




pseudo ego
making the pseudo

a release of self
as object
and physical entity

a parody soulless
to be murdered
by reality

unconscious annihilation
in that science of nihilism
an ego built

of pure imagination
an illusion of illusion
an awareness of the nothing

that play of light
in the darkness
escaping the great teacher



Truth, reality and does science matter?

An essay on truth, mathematics and the science often associated to both.


Often scientific knowledge, and the mathematics so key, are confused for truth. 

There is a reason why such are always under review and require proofs to verify the veracity of any set of postulations. 
They are the evidence of reality, a description that can be used and not the actual truth itself.

 Often the argument against or for any truth is by example. 
Example is not the realm of math or science, description is. 
Truth is not part of "what if," truth deals in absolutes. 
The abuse of truth usually is just to pervert the entire idea of truth. 
The same done to science and math is an entire collapse of any postulation. 
There is a difference between perversions and collapse. 
Perversions can continue while a collapse fails to continue. 
A building may be a church or drug den, the building is itself outside of use based on truth. 
The perversion itself is even outside of function. 

The truth would be regarding the drug den or the church. 
The valuation of anything assigned as "truth" has a basis not built any truth itself that is provable. 
Yet, there is a need to build something concrete to rely on. 
Truth is an ethereal reality seemingly outside of the something like a concrete building and both are part of what we experience as real. 
Then it becomes complicated, there is the issue of other living things and creatures. 
Putting ourselves into reality and making "truth" about things leaves open the issue of what are living things and where are the boundaries of the absolutes of truth. 
We can't even agree what are the truths of ourselves before even any dealings with behavior. 
This is obvious with something so straight forward as managing how are environment is handled, how wealth is viewed, how even water is allocated. 
Truths, and the definitions of absolutes attached, literally contradict each other. 
In other words, there is no truth to truth in sciences, that belongs to the absolutes that cannot be proved which, by definition, make them false.
So there is the issue, truth is not what can be reasoned. 
Reason, the realm of math and science, fails in the face of truth. 
Truth fails in its absolutes since it is not provable by even it's own descriptions. 
Reality cares not for what we call truth, truth is pointless to reality. 
So where does truth matter? 
It matters in the spaces we exist in.
 What is true in the desert varies from that in the snow peaks or a rain forest. 
Reality is often, for us, as we live in our spaces, those influences what we find true. 
To lie in reality for us, invites destruction. 
Truth for us promotes thriving. 
Reality is eternal, truth it seems, is very temporary; a thing to be manipulated as required, or, desired.
The Roman Pilate questioned the very thing we still struggle with, "What is truth, is it unchanging law? We both have truths, is yours the same as mine?" 
The reality of what Roman truths built are still evident millennia later. 
It could be we build truth to create reality for ourselves. 
How we build our reality says much about our truths. 
Maybe truth isn't the absolute as often promoted, maybe it's the being.
That almost sounds divine.
Maybe in that eternity science becomes part of truth.

A. Mendoza, 9/2018

Truth, reality and does science matter?

An essay on truth, mathematics and the science often associated to both.


Often scientific knowledge, and the mathematics so key, are confused for truth. 

There is a reason why such are always under review and require proofs to verify the veracity of any set of postulations. 
They are the evidence of reality, a description that can be used and not the actual truth itself.

 Often the argument against or for any truth is by example. 
Example is not the realm of math or science, description is. 
Truth is not part of "what if," truth deals in absolutes. 
The abuse of truth usually is just to pervert the entire idea of truth. 
The same done to science and math is an entire collapse of any postulation. 
There is a difference between perversions and collapse. 
Perversions can continue while a collapse fails to continue. 
A building may be a church or drug den, the building is itself outside of use based on truth. 
The perversion itself is even outside of function. 

The truth would be regarding the drug den or the church. 
The valuation of anything assigned as "truth" has a basis not built any truth itself that is provable. 
Yet, there is a need to build something concrete to rely on. 
Truth is an ethereal reality seemingly outside of the something like a concrete building and both are part of what we experience as real. 
Then it becomes complicated, there is the issue of other living things and creatures. 
Putting ourselves into reality and making "truth" about things leaves open the issue of what are living things and where are the boundaries of the absolutes of truth. 
We can't even agree what are the truths of ourselves before even any dealings with behavior. 
This is obvious with something so straight forward as managing how are environment is handled, how wealth is viewed, how even water is allocated. 
Truths, and the definitions of absolutes attached, literally contradict each other. 
In other words, there is no truth to truth in sciences, that belongs to the absolutes that cannot be proved which, by definition, make them false.
So there is the issue, truth is not what can be reasoned. 
Reason, the realm of math and science, fails in the face of truth. 
Truth fails in its absolutes since it is not provable by even it's own descriptions. 
Reality cares not for what we call truth, truth is pointless to reality. 
So where does truth matter? 
It matters in the spaces we exist in.
 What is true in the desert varies from that in the snow peaks or a rain forest. 
Reality is often, for us, as we live in our spaces, those influences what we find true. 
To lie in reality for us, invites destruction. 
Truth for us promotes thriving. 
Reality is eternal, truth it seems, is very temporary; a thing to be manipulated as required, or, desired.
The Roman Pilate questioned the very thing we still struggle with, "What is truth, is it unchanging law? We both have truths, is yours the same as mine?" 
The reality of what Roman truths built are still evident millennia later. 
It could be we build truth to create reality for ourselves. 
How we build our reality says much about our truths. 
Maybe truth isn't the absolute as often promoted, maybe it's the being.
That almost sounds divine.
Maybe in that eternity science becomes part of truth.

A. Mendoza, 9/2018




Look out for unexpectedness
and in the consistency of the the usual
that is magic

just because you wander
not ignoring what is obvious
and the common

taking the worst ideas
drinking them under the table
making a sensible hangover

and the common so obvious
that consistency of magic
so usual

just because you wander
that consistency of the unexpectedness
that usual magic

drinking it under the table
ignoring the common obvious
that people are women too

usual magic of the worst idea
unexpected obvious
from drinking under the table

a consistency unexpected
ignoring the drinking
of magic

for the hangover

A. MENDOZA, 2017



Look out for unexpectedness
and in the consistency of the the usual
that is magic

just because you wander
not ignoring what is obvious
and the common

taking the worst ideas
drinking them under the table
making a sensible hangover

and the common so obvious
that consistency of magic
so usual

just because you wander
that consistency of the unexpectedness
that usual magic

drinking it under the table
ignoring the common obvious
that people are women too

usual magic of the worst idea
unexpected obvious
from drinking under the table

a consistency unexpected
ignoring the drinking
of magic

for the hangover

A. MENDOZA, 2017


Tale of a Bucktoothed Vampire


isn’t humiliation
biting back
once bitten

a humiliation
never humble
a fang

making fun of vampires
who are bucktoothed
and getting bitten
solves nothing

for a bucktoothed
as you bleed

there is no fun
in humiliation
and getting bitten

no more blood to let
in pooled

a vampire can’t see
twisted fangs
with no comic relief

for a bucktoothed
and the tale

A. MENDOZA, 2017

Tale of a Bucktoothed Vampire


isn’t humiliation
biting back
once bitten

a humiliation
never humble
a fang

making fun of vampires
who are bucktoothed
and getting bitten
solves nothing

for a bucktoothed
as you bleed

there is no fun
in humiliation
and getting bitten

no more blood to let
in pooled

a vampire can’t see
twisted fangs
with no comic relief

for a bucktoothed
and the tale

A. MENDOZA, 2017


To Bend

is always
the pleasant
when most appreciated
in the pain
of knowledge

in pleasure

a truth
about pleasure

the phobia of veritas
the discovery
of pain

like a madman
mashes words
in the Dada
of nuts
that is peanut butter


To Bend

is always
the pleasant
when most appreciated
in the pain
of knowledge

in pleasure

a truth
about pleasure

the phobia of veritas
the discovery
of pain

like a madman
mashes words
in the Dada
of nuts
that is peanut butter