
Slices Of Shadow

T in the fog of life
shadow becomes perfect in the strongest light

Slices of Shadow

shadow as the frame
the focus and witness to the light

confined, tied, set as a thing ignoble
light, sliced as shadows

shadow, by rule and declaration, convict
all worth and ability fined as criminal act

reflections impossible when caged in darkness 
but there is shadow

there is no light, there is no mirror needed 
for such slices of reflections are freed

sliced into shadows
passing as breezes across rock, tree, ground

there are no shadows on air
there are no slices of shadow without substance

in fog shadow images ripple
slices showing the hints of what is

sliced edges rolling as if water flowing
shadows of the dawn, dusk, or the dark

brighter day sun slices shadows precise
each line, curve, spot and edge stamped to surface

in the fog of life thin is the light, wide the shadow
shadow becomes perfect in the strongest light

#poem #poetry #writing #meditation #shadow

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